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© S.N.O.W. Planungs- und Projektmanagement GmbH


Interior Design

Interior design with the unique SNOW spirit. Under the direction of Ing.In Hanna Seiwald, our architects design well thought-out room solutions by creating material-, color-, and lighting – concepts and the integration of furniture.

Work Sections.


Creation of a first preliminary concept of the interior design in the form of sketches, mood boards, and plans.

Representation in 3D Visualizations

After completion of the concept, selected rooms are visualized in 3D for better empathy.

Selection of Materials

A joint pre-selection of materials serves as the basis for tenders.

Obtaining the Offers

With the help of a tender-ready bill of quantities, offers are requested.

Business Management

In this step, price negotiations and comparisons, the awarding of contracts, the setting of contracts for work, and the control of settlements are handled.

Artistic Management

This concerns consulting activities from an artistic point of view during the planning and construction phases.

Technical Management

This relates to technical consulting activities during the planning and construction phases.

Abteilung Innenarchitektur in Innsbruck - Musterauswahl
Abteilung Innenarchitektur in Innsbruck - Elemente

Further Departments